Happy Monday sweet friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had to let Katie go back to school. It’s really bittersweet. This may sound weird, but our hearts are full that she was sad to leave. We never want her to be sad, but it’s nice to know that she enjoys her time with us. She’s got a really hard semester in front of her and she’s not looking forward to it, so there was that too. Saturday and Sunday were gray and rainy so we just gave in and had a do nothing weekend, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

This age is so fun. I remember when I was Katie’s age and mom and I would get these looks from people like, ‘are they sisters or mother and daughter?’ How cool is it that God saw fit to give me a best friend for the rest of my life? You gotta’ love that!
OKAY, so now it’s time for me to entertain you. If you know me, you know I love to make people laugh. The funny thing (no pun intended…LOL) is that I hate to be up in front of people. Even after 30 years together, Kent still can’t figure it out. HA! I guess it’s good to keep him guessing. ?
I’m joining the ladies of the The Blended Blog to talk about all things entertainment related. Some of them aren’t really my jam, so I’ll just cruise right past them, but I’ve got others to share, so away we go.

Books I have read multiple times. I’ve made no secret about the fact that an avid reader I am not. I do well to read 1-2 books a year. Yes, you read that right. Reading puts me right to sleep unless I’m by the pool and then I can read all day. Crazy.
Favorite book/author of all time. When I do read it’s some kind of romance. I really like Elin Hilderbrand books and some Nickolas Sparks books too.
Favorite TV show to binge. FRIENDS! I can watch Friends on a loop all day long and oh how I wish they’d have a reunion show.

Favorite new-ish TV show. Katie introduced us to the Great British Baking Show and we watched a couple of seasons while she was home. Here’s one thing we really noticed about it. All of the people are much nicer to each other than on the American versions.

Favorite Movie of all time. I can’t pick just one. I have several that I really love to watch over and over, and I bet you’ll be shocked that they are all rom-coms. #notreally #shockedthatis
First concert. Alabama and Restless Heart in the late 80’s at Starwood Ampitheatre in Nashville. A group of us went and had a ball sitting out on the lawn. Would you believe it’s the only concert I’ve really been to?
Ultimate concert. I’d love to see Justine Timberlake, Michael Buble, Blake Shelton or Florida Georgia Line. If someone could get all 4 of them to perform together, well that’d be just dandy!
Favorite music. 99% off the time you’ll find me listening to country music, but I also love some good 70’s, 80’s & 90’s.
How do I listen? Alexa. How else? We have an Echo downstairs and a dot in the bathroom. I’m all to happy to boss her around…”Alexa, play country music.” The Echo Dot is on sale for $29.99 (40% off). Valentines Day is just around the corner…just sayin’.
Have you jumped on the Alexa bandwagon? I need to make better use of ours, but I’m forgetful and just don’t think about it. My friend Carrie (Curly Crafty Mom) just did a great post on how to set up and use your Echo Dot.
Have a great week friends as we dive into 2019.
Oh, that sweet picture of Kent and Katie is so perfect! Those hugs goodbye just get me every time. I would totally be on board if your dream concert came true – I love all of those artists.
I have been looking for a poncho, don’t ask me why since it’s been so hot here but you know me, anyway, they keep selling out! Of course that just makes me want one more!
Happy Monday friend, it’s back to reality!
Yeah, he knew I’d take one but hadn’t seen it til he read this post and said he got all misty eyed. Poor daddy. You’ll find the perfect poncho yet. Just keep looking. Happy Monday…a week late. LOL. #typicalme XOXO
I haven’t read anything by Elin Hilderbrand, so thanks for the tip. Love your movie favorites and music choices. We like some of the same things.
Oh, you should definitely keep her books in mind. Have a great week!! XOXO
Such fun and yes, that act that your girl loves spending time with you is priceless, our boys do too. Hope she is all settled back at school. Alabama was my first concert too!!! I remember I wore a cowboy hat, lol! LOVE all teh movies you picked, many in my top 10 of all time adn yes, Alexa is my music slave. Sometimes I get real detailed and say “Alexa play Classic Country,” lol! Have the best Monday sweet friend, thinking of you! xo
I’d say we are both pretty lucky we have such good kids. A true blessing. Happy Monday!!! XOXO
I just love our Echo, and the kids love them in their rooms too. You and Katie look so much alike! Have a wonderful week!
Do you use the “drop in” feature. That freaks me out a little. ?? We switched Amazon accounts and now she’s not playing music the way she used to. I’ve got to get that figured out. Happy Monday! XO
You know how much I love Alexa!! Ha! Elin Hilderbrand has a new winter series and the first book is Winter in Paradise. I really liked it!
Ooooo, I’ll make a note of that. My Alexa is wonky right now. We switched accounts and she’s not behaving. I’ve got to get it figured out. XO
Aw, wishing Katie the best of luck on her tough semester ahead! Loving everyone’s answers to this post! I am thinking I really need to make better use of our Echo…it mainly just sits there “spying” on us! LOL!
Gina || On the Daily Express
Thanks Gina! She’s back and at full force. That girl is something else! I love Echo, but do feel like she’s a creeper. HA!
AWE! Poor Katie! Good Luck to her this semester. The only way I listen to music is through Alexa! She’s the best!
Thanks Heather. I’m happy to report, she’s back and back in the groove. AND of course very happy to be back with the boyfriend.?XOXO
Awwww…good luck to your daughter…sweet good bye pictures!! Great Rom Coms!! I’ve seen How to Lose a guy like 25 times!! LOL Have a wonderful week!!
Thank you Katie! Rom-coms are definitely the best. Have a wonderful week! XO
Thanks for the sweet call out on my post!
I noticed yesterday they had dropped the price on them. I still need to mess with my Echo Look!! Oh, I love the Grease movies!! Elin Hilderbrand Winter Street series is my fave! I have read one book of that series every holiday season and next year I’ll read the last (4th) book!
We switched Amazon accounts and got one in Katie’s name (student discount) Now my music is messed up. So weird. I used to say play “Michael Buble” and it would. Now it only plays examples. I’m not sure what happened. Maybe something changed between when the old account started 5 years ago and now and the same music selection isn’t included?! I’ve got to get it figured out.
I love Rom-Coms too and could never pick just one! Elin is also one of my favorite authors.
Rom-coms are definitely the best. I like to relax and laugh…not be on the edge of my seat about to come out of my skin. LOL Happy Monday! XO
So great that you had those magic weeks with Katie.
I still don’t tire of Friends and even today if I watch a few episodes back to back they seem like new again and they still leave me with that warm fuzzy feelgood soaking! If I could have a day when I binge watch a whole series of Friends with you then go to a Justin Timberlake concert, then I don’t think my little feet will EVER touch the ground again!
Hugs, x.
It really was wonderful, Mary! Come on over and we’ll watch Friends. If we can’t find a JT concert, we’ll just listen to him on Alexa. LOL!!! XOXO
A real compliment that your daughter enjoys being at home. I hope that mine will always enjoy walking thru our front door and always feel like they have “come home.” Our kids watched every episode of Friends and I have never watched even one. I’d enjoy all of the concerts that you mentioned. Blessings abundant 2019!
Thank you Lea. That’s what I was feeling too. I’m happy she enjoys being with us. She’s already talking about going on our vacation this summer
I can’t believe you’ve never watched Friends. It’s so funny. One day when you’re bored, give it a try. I can watch them over and over. Happy Monday!! XO
This was such a fun post to read. You are so blessed to have such a great relationship with your daughter. Praying for a successful semester for her!
I really am Fonda! She’s such a good girl and I don’t take it for granted. Thanks for the prayers. Have a wonderful week!!! XOXO
It’s so sweet how close you and your daughter are! I was so thrilled when God gave me 2 girls! I truly hope we have a close relationship as they get older! I really want to be that mom that they can turn to and share things with!
She is such a blessing to me. I can’t wait to live close to her someday. I’m sure you and your girls will be close, you will nurture that relationship, I have no doubt. XOXO
Reading puts me right to sleep too! And I have two English degrees, soooo… awkward… haha OMG I love the first concert question! That’s something I’m always super interested to find out about people! My first concert was David Bowie… is anyone surprised?? hahaha Hope you’re having a great weekend!! Oh, and I love that Katie is your best friend, that is adorable! xoxox
Oh my goodness, I don’t know you made it through two English degrees. ?? Hope you have a wonderful week!! XOXO