Welcome to February! I can’t even. LOL Are you ready for a big weekend? We don’t have a ton on our radar, but I’ve got some returns to do. Imagine that. HA!
So I wonder what our little friend Phil the groundhog will have to say tomorrow. Man, I sure hope for the sake of y’all living in the “tundra” right now, that he has some good news. #crossyourfingersforacloudyday

Are you watching or boycotting the Super Bowl? There seems to be those two camps. I’m sure we’ll watch it, but we don’t have a dog in this fight. If I was having a party though I’d probably be making something like this Taco Dip, these favorite mini cocktail sausages, this super yummy hot corn dip, and for sure a delicious charcuterie board. If you need appetizer inspiration, feel free to check out and follow my Appetizer Pinterest Board.

I am however pretty pumped about half time and Maroon 5 playing. I’m pretty disgusted by all the flack they’ve taken. #hatersbackoff

Alrighty then, enough chitter chatter. Want to see what I’m sharing for Friday Favorites?

I can’t believe I’m just now finally remembering to share this ah-dorable candle with y’all. This was my birthday present from who else? Kellyann. I have to admit, I didn’t even know you could have them made like this, but how stinkin’ cute is i? AND it’s my all time favorite scent from Yankee Candle. This actually used to be the only candle I would burn. Home Sweet Home is the scent and it’s an apple-cinnamon smell that just makes your house smell like, well, home!❤️

Kent and I went to the movies Sunday and saw The Upside. I highly recommend it. It was both sweet and funny and based on a true story. It did hit a little close to home for Kent. When I was pregnant with Katie his oldest sister was in an automobile accident and paralyzed from the chest down. Neither of us even thought about the effect it might have on him, but he did have to shed some tears after it was over and during a few scenes. She passed away in 2010 from complications associated with her condition.

New makeup brushes. My old ones were on their last leg and I’d been looking to replace them. I bought the first ones at Ulta. They were having a buy one get one free sale, and the other set I found at TJMaxx for $6.99. I’m linking some here in case you can’t get these same deals in your area. Also don’t forget about the Brush Bath I shared in Friday Favs last week. Seriously the best!

I first shared this makeup bag here. I’m still using it, loving it, and I’ve been seeing them pop up on other blogs, so I know I’m not alone. Not only does it hold so.many.things. I can also throw a few skincare products and my perfume in it, zip it up and I ready to travel.

Yes, another sweatshirt. Again I ask, “who am I”? The last time I wore this many sweatshirts I was in college sporting my Greek letters. ✌??& KX. This one I found on a trip to H&M. It’s insanely soft (reminds me of this one from Old Navy) and long enough to cover the bootay. I did buy a medium for a roomier and looser fit.

And just in case you missed Wednesday’s Old Navy post, here’s a teaser. Pop over to it and check out my try-on session I did. They are getting in a lot of super cute things for spring. I know in some places it’s so cold if you milk a cow, you’ll get ice cream and you aren’t thinking about buying spring clothes, but now’s the time to get the good stuff before it’s gone.
Have a great weekend friends!
The candle is such a great gift!!! I will have to remember this for our girl’s trip coming up in March.
Isn’t it?! Yes! It would be perfect for a girls trip. One of the girls made us all ornaments (see this post https://www.coasttocoast2.com/2019/01/friday-favorites-133.html ) and they are super cute too!!!! Have a great weekend!!! XO
Do you use that make-up bag every day or just for travel? Wondering if it would hold allllll my make up.
Have a Good weekend lady,
I’ve been using it for everyday ever since I got it. It does hold a lot! Happy weekend! XO
Bwahahahaha, it’s so cold if you milk a cow you’ll get ice cream!!!! You are a witty one my friend. I swear I love that candle and need to get one for myself, I love that picture. I need new make up brushes too, I like that brand. I love a good hot corn dip so I’m gonna make yours this weekend, sounds sooooo good!
Happy Friday my sweet friend!!
Well you know I love ice cream…so if it’s going to be cold….HAHAHAHA!!! Check your TJM for those brushes. They are really soft and you know how I feel about soft things. Happy Friday!!! XOXO
That candle is EVERYTHING Lisa! Love it! Your outfits are on point as always too- have a great weekend! 🙂
Thank you Holly! I came straight down this morning and just lit it. Love it!!! You are so sweet! Happy weekend!! XO
Home Sweet Home is MY favorite Yankee Candle scent too and what the what??? A pic on the front…how Cute is this and a great gift idea!! Your humor is so funny and gets me every time!! Same here, never so many sweatshirts since the college comfies!! Great week girlfriend, you are da boom.com!!! xoxo
Well of course we would love the same candle scent.❤️ I love that! Isn’t that just the best gift idea?! That and our precious ornament are two of my all time favs. Have the best weekend precious friend!!! XO
Lisa! I forgot all about that candle. Kellyann showed that to me and my mind was blown. It made me smile again to see it this morning! And what’s this about Maroon 5? I hadn’t heard. Also, thank you sharing about the movie and a bit about Kent’s story. I didn’t think about how that movie may resonate with quite a few people, but of course. Now when I see it, I will watch it with different eyes. Grateful for you!
I KNOW!!! I LOVE it!❤️ That and our sweet ornament are two of my all time favs. I was telling my young girls at bible study about y’all yesterday! XOXO
Oh my husband said the Upside was really good too! I need to see it. And how CUTE is your custom Yankee candle! What a clever choice from Ms. Kellyann. I’m with you on the Superbowl halftime. Can’t wait to see it! I hope they have some surprise guest performers, too.
Gina || On the Daily Express
Yes to some surprise performers. I hadn’t thought about that. I had no idea you could personalize candles, but I think it’s just the best gift idea! Happy weekend!! XO
I’m so sorry to hear about Kent’s sister. We are scheduled to see that movie tonight, and it will have a whole new dimension to it thinking of your family’s loss. Hope you have a good weekend – cute stuff from Old Navy!
Thank you Tanya! Hope you guys like it too. Have a great weekend!! XO
I had no idea about Kent’s sister. I just read a post from my friend who lost her daughter talking about PTSD in grief and how you just never know what might trigger it. Still loving those darn sweatshirts and THAT CANDLE!!!
His family has really had more than their share. We all need those candles. ?
THAT CANDLE!!!! How cute is that! I need to remember to do that for friend’s birthdays myself!!!!
Super Bowl? I’ve never cared so why start now 🙂 haha
I know, right?! She was so clever. ❤️
That candle is adorable! What a cute idea! I really want to see The Upside and I’m looking forward to seeing Maroon 5 on Sunday too! Have a great weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
I love it!!! so clever! Yes to Maroon 5 and the Upside. Happy weekend! XO
That is so sad about Kent’s sister. I bawl so easily, so I am sure I’d be a mess during that movie. That candle sounds so homey and I bet it does smell good!
It was really tragic. You’d definitely have some misty moments in the movie but also some laughs. XO
I haven’t heard anything about Maroon 5, I love them! I loved that movie ground hogs day. I forgot tomorrow was Ground hogs day. Great post!
Me too Cheryl! Sounds like the groundhog didn’t see his shadow. YAY! Happy weekend!! XO
That candle is awesome! I didn’t know you could do that with Yankee Candles! WHat a great gift idea! I so need new makeup brushes. TJ Maxx is a great place to look!
I didn’t know either. I love it!!! (I should do one for Benny and Erins first anniversary!!!!) Happy weekend! XO
I completely forgot that tomorrow is Ground Hog Day! We probably won’t watch the Super Bowl just because we’re not interested. Just about everyone here is boycotting the game and Wayne has requested a “meal” for Sunday instead of apps, so it doesn’t even sound like a last hoo-rah for football season at our house! THAT CANDLE!! Absolutely LOVE IT! How did your sweet friend, Kellyann, do that?! Did I miss this discussion in our MP convos? I am so glad that y’all enjoyed The Upside, but I am so sorry about Kent’s sister. I had no idea and maybe I should have warned you about the movie. Oh! I forgot to tell you that I bought the IT brush cleaner last week. I told Alise that we could “share it,” but guess whose room it’s in right now! I have yet to try it, but maybe this weekend. I hope you have a sunny and perfect California weekend, Sweet Friend!
I meant to say, “our friend, Kellyann”!
You’re too cute. I never talked about the candle in MP, so you didn’t miss it. HA! Yes, go highjack the brush cleaner back. Next time we’re all together I’ll have to share her story with y’all. They had way more than their fair share of trials. Happy weekend sweetie!! XO
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Nancy! You too! XO
I doubt we will watch the superbowl. I always love the commercials, but then again the best ones will be rebroadcast, right? Instead, we have the Mary Poppins (the old one) DVD to watch!!
There ya’ go and yes, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to see the commercials. Happy weekend! XO
That candle is so adorable! I didn’t know you could do something like that either! I’m definitely tucking that idea away for my mom and aunts! And I couldn’t care less about the Super Bowl–I totally forgot it was even happening, haha! Oops! Hope you’re having a great weekend, Lisa! xox
Isn’t it? That would be a great mom/aunt gift. You’re too funny about the Super Bowl. I’ve been blogging the whole time. LOL…but at least I’m sitting here with Kent while he watches it. ?❤️ Have a great week cutie!! XO
I’ve been wanting us to go see The Upside so perhaps we will do that this week. I love true story movies. That candle is just so cute, what will they think of next? You wear all of the sweatshirts very well. Happy week Lisa!
Thank you Lea! I love finding out about cute, unique gifts. Glad I’m not the last to the party? Enjoy the movie! XO
I’ve heard lots of great things about The Upside, I should probably check it out. Thanks dear!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
It was so good Jessica. You should go! Happy weekend! XO