Hey y’all! It’s that time of the month again…no not that time, but essential oil time. HA! I along with many of you are trying to incorporate more natural things into our daily lives and homes. Be it through our diets, skincare, homeopathic wellness and even our cleaning. A really easy way to do this by using essential oils. I am really loving getting these monthly essential oils subscription boxes from Simply Earth.
I keep saying it over and over and probably sound like a broken record, but this is really an awesome way to get your feet wet with oils and then once you’ve done that, you can begin to expand your horizons and incorporate them even more. I believe this so much so that I want one of y’all to get to experience a monthly subscription box. So the sweet girls at Simply Earth have offered to let me host a giveaway for one of their monthly boxes along with a BONUS box. Isn’t that AWESOME?!

The focus of this months box is wellness. The oils and recipes will help us dealing with anxiety and stomach issues. Woo to the hoo. Who doesn’t have occasional (or chronic) anxiety, and tummy troubles from time to time?

Seriously y’all, you get 4 bottles of oils, and all the fixins to make 6 different recipes. This includes extra ingredients like Magnesium Flakes, Dried Lavender, a spray bottle, inhaler, recipes and labels.
I want remind y’all that when you subscribe to Simply Earth using my code COASTTOCOAST2FREE, you will receive a $20 gift card with your initial subscription box and a bonus box. The bonus box comes with all the extras you need like dark glass roller bottles, solid coconut oil, fractionated coconut oil, beeswax, and almond oil. You can use the $20 gift card on a future purchase or your next box.

This months box came with all of this. The four oils included are:
Amyris – Relaxes, calms, helps deal with loss, deters bugs, improves texture of aging skin, emotional support, diffuse with equal parts Vetiver to help with sleepRelaxes, calms
Blood Orange – Uplifts & stimulates, relieves sadness & moodiness, eases nervous tension, repels insects, helps with aches and inflammation, cleans & disenfects.
Coriander – Stimulates appetite, relieves digestive issues, helps elevate mood, aids in focusStimulates the appetite
Digest Blend – Relieves nausea, eliminates gas and bloating

Helpful hint: Here’s how I’m keeping all of my monthly essential oils recipes together. I also do this with old picture Christmas cards.

Who remembers the Vicks inhalers? Do they still make those? This took me right back to my childhood, because I was always so intrigued with those until you opened it, smelled it and threw your head back from the shock. LOL. Well not with this one. I am completely in love with the citrus scent of the blood orange and ready to relax at a moments notice with this inhaler.

You can watch me make 2 of these recipes on my Insta-stories if you click the Essential Oils highlight.

Most oils are used in a diluted form with a carrier oil. You can make the Digest Roll-On using one of the roller bottles included in your bonus box. There are quite a few included and you could make several so you can stash them in the medicine cabinet or your purse if you’re prone to stomach issues. I’ll be making one of these to take to my mom next time I visit. She suffers with chronic nausea and I’m always trying to find remedies to help her.

I used my whisk attachment for my immersion blender to make the whipped body butter. Here’s something else that’s great about the Simply Earth people. My body butter hardened (as sometimes melted coconut oil will do). I emailed them and they told me how to remedy that. Really great customer service.

Here are all the things I made so far from my box. I still have a bath soak to make that will use the lavender that was included.
Think about using the oils in this box particularly for kids and teens. School is so stressful. The pressures they face are much greater than what I had to deal. Frankly, I don’t know if I could cut it now. Oils are a great way for them to naturally combat and deal with anxiety and stomach issues that could be caused by nerves.
If you’d like to see what the other boxes I’ve received contain, you can find January HERE and February HERE.
Now let’s get to the fun part. The giveaway! Just enter below and one of you will be notified next week that you are the WINNER. Good luck and thanks for participating!
Well look at you and that rafflecopter, you go, girl! I loved watching you mix up your oils on you stories, you do such a good job my friend!
I hope your mom gets some relief from the one you made her, chronic nausea must be terrible. Bless her heart.
Not that time of the month cracked me up!!!
Am I so big time or what??Bwahahahaha! Thanks. My poor mom. I’d love for her to get some relief! Have a great week! XO
I love having some natural options for anxiety. We all have it sometimes and when my hubby is traveling, I really feel it more! This sounds like such a fun box!
I love these recipes my little chemist in action!! Yes, your stories on this mixing and concocting were so good!! Love you, have fun with the babes! xo
You’re so sweet. Thanks girlie! I’m putting on my big girl panties and going for it. HA!
Pass on over some of that anxiety oil! I can tell I’m going to need it this week!
You got it…STAT?
FYI, the link to the IG comes up @your_profile_here? I’m thinking that’s a mistake??
I’d love to enter, so let me know how to get that entry too!!!
Oh Jodie, I’m such a goon. When I set it up I forgot to put MY profile there. ? Fixed it!! Thanks friend!
Heck…if that’s the worst thing you did today, I call that a good day!! LOL!!
Love it! Thanks!
The inhaler definitely sounds better than the old school Vicks! So excited about this giveaway! The IG link doesn’t go to you but I did follow @your_profile_here.
Jill – Doused in Pink
Oh yes, much better than the Vick’s inhaler. UGH…this is my first time setting that up…and it involved “code”. LOL. I got it fixed. Thanks Jill!!!
I loved this box. So much fun!
Me too Heather!
All these oil DIYS make me so happy! 😀
Me too Kasey! They are so good for so many things. It’s amazing
I am such a believer in EO. One month ago I began a regime of Fennel, Lemongrass and FCO for my acid reflux and I have completely stopped my prescription meds. I had been on them too long and knew I had to get off of them. It has been such a blessing! Have a great week Lisa!
That is so AWESOME Lea!!! Sounds to me like that would make a great blogpost. Hope you entered the giveaway. Happy weekend!
I’m always amazed at what essential oils can do! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston
Me too Biana! I need to remember to use them as my first line of defense. I’m definitely getting better at that.
I could use that anxiety away inhaler before I go to the doctor!! Lol! Doctor appointments always make me anxious! LOL! These sound like miracle workers! So many people seem to love essential oils. I really need to try them eventually.
Yes Ms. White Coat? I guess I should have Katie take that with her. HA! Be sure to enter the giveaway. These boxes are such a great way to get your feet wet. XO
These sound great. I’d love to make the body butter some time. My daughter is really into making her own scrubs and moisturizers and it would be great to use some of these essential oils.
x, Julie | ThisMainLineLife.com
I hope you entered the giveaway, Julie. These boxes are such a great way to find new uses for oils. I never could get the consistent of my body butter right but I know some other bloggers who have. I wonder if it’s something about the weather where I live or if I’m just doing one part wrong? I need to do some research on it.
I’m a huge fan of essential oils, they’re simply effective in boosting your mood. This is super informative dear. Thanks a lot for sharing!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
I’m happy you like the post Jessica. I totally agree. Using oils is great and getting in the habit is the hard part. I hope you entered the giveaway! These boxes are super fun for discovering new uses. Happy weekend!
Looks like a great box! I could definitely use a mood lift!
I really think the oils help. Crazy how they work!
A great box. Very interesting.
Thank you!