Hey y’all! Or maybe I should say hey fall. Would you believe we had a little rain two days this week? To most of you that may not seem like a big deal, but here in California rain in September is un-us-u-al. We haven’t seen or felt a raindrop in months. Crazy, huh? Today is Friday and I’ve got Trader Joe’s, Target & misc. Friday Favorites to share with you.

Birthday boy in the house!!! This is guy is turning…well, that’s not important, but today’s his day!!! Happy Birthday to our number one man in the Richardson house.

I think I saw this on one of Carrie’s posts recently. I decided to grab a tube one of the last times I was in TJ’s and I’m so glad I did. It’s thick, creamy and smells dreamy. HA! Seriously, I’m one of those girls that loves the smell of sunscreen and the beach. The smell of this reminds me of the Tropicana suntan oil we basted with when we were laying out on blacktop or the roof to get that killer tan. It’s a great conditioner and I’ll definitely being buying more of it.

Yet another item I’d seen recommended somewhere. If you want to treat yourself to a little at home spa day, grab a jar of this. I’ve been using it on my elbows, chest, knees and heels several times a week. It leaves them super moisturized and the smell of lavender is divine.
Coconut + body butter. Need I say more. If you want a super creamy moisturizer, then this is it. This is the kind of cream I used all winter when we lived in Minnesota. My legs would be so dry and itch and something like this would really help. I’ve been using it on the days I use the lavender scrub for a one, two punch. Apparently they have a pumpkin variety now. One of these and a lavender scrub would make a great gift for a girlfriend.
A girl can never have too much plaid. #wordstoliveby The colors in this shirt are gorgeous and the fabric is nice and drapey. I knew I wanted it from the first time I saw it.

When I spotted this, I knew it and the plaid shirt were a match made in heaven, and I was ?right. It’s super soft and you might even call it squishy. It will look good over a basic long sleeve tee or a turtleneck, with leggings or a pencil skirt. You could even belt it with this belt for a less boxy look.

Don’t judge. I wore this sweatshirt two days in a row and broke out my newest pair of Zella leggings. #totalcomfort #alldayeveryday Right now it looks like only solids are available in the sweatshirt, but the prints circle in and out of stock, so if you want one like mine, keep checking.
Remember that time I wanted a bracelet and was afraid it would be too big, but ordered one anyway? Oh happy day, it fit and they are BOGO again. Not the lame kind of BOGO that’s buy one get one half, but real BOGO. Buy one, get one FREE. These are some of my top picks. Don’t kill the messenger, but Christmas is only a little over 9 weeks away. #nokidding
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You are so right that plaid short and that poncho are truly a match made in heaven – perfect together! Happy Birthday to Kent! I hope you do something fun to celebrate. I know you’ll be making your delicious cake – yum!!! Love ya friend!
You know I no cold weather girl, but I’ll be excited to wear them!!!
We both did Trader Joe’s finds today AND I have that Target Plaid shirt and love it. Hello PERFECT Poncho pairing!!! You’re the master and speaking of…Happy Birthday to Mr. R!!! Have so much fun you gorgeous peeps! xo
Of course…great minds and all that. Have you tried the pumpkin biscotti? So yummy. Katie told me about them. I want to dip them in white chocolate and dark. YUMMM
Love that plaid shirt!
I was hoping to make it to TJ’s this week but I didn’t. But now I have more items on my list! HA
That shirt is a winner. Hope you made it to TJ’s
Love your fall fashion especially that leopard sweater XO
Aw, thanks sweet Holly!!!
Such cute fashion picks today! Love your plaid shirt and poncho AND sweatshirt! And the TJ’s Coconut Body Butter is a staple for me. I tried the Pumpkin spice version one year and couldn’t get into it, so now I just stick to coconut. If you try it let us know what you think!
Oops…I just bought 2 of the pumpkin versions to take to my girls next week. I guess we’ll see. LOL
Good finds today. I tried on a cardigan that is similar in shape to your poncho. It was darling, but I was wondering if the lack of sleeves would be a deal breaker. (?)
Thanks friend. You know I love a good sale! The sleeve thing doesn’t bother me especially since I won’t probably wear it without something underneath. XO
So many great products i need to try! That hair mask from Trader Joes looks like it would be amazing!
Thank you Grace. I just found all these comments you’ve made that were filtered out because you were new and I wasn’t notified. My apologies. XOXO
That’s a great deal on those bracelets. Christmas…who am I kidding…I want them for myself!!
I love a good sale!
Did you see that TJ’s has a pumpkin body butter too? It smells amazing! Love your plaid top and that cute poncho!
Jill – Doused in Pink
YES!!! I picked up two of them to take to my girls next week.
We’ll send some of our Houston rain your way! I also love that hair conditioner and body butter. That poncho is so cute! Have a super weekend!
Please do. I’m so much happier when the hills are green instead of this nasty brown. LOL
I love that hair mask and I did mention it on one of my TJ’s posts! Thanks for the call out. Ohh, I was just thinking this morning that I really need to go in AE sometime soon. I really need a couple of new flannel shirts and that oversized sweatshirt looks SO soft and I might need that! LOL! I also love their jeans and need a couple new pairs. I just got the TJ Pumpkin Body Butter and I haven’t tried it yet. OMG, I bought over $200 of pumpkin stuff at TJ’s the other day. I am just absolutely nuts. #donttellthehusbandlol
YES, that’s how I knew. It smells so goood.
Your comment about ‘lame BOGO’ made me laugh out loud! I HATE those BOGO 1/2 off! Puhlease girl! That’s a load of bologna! I’ve been eyeing those bracelets lately, checking them out again now!
LOL…who wants half…give me free. HA!
Oh those bracelet look good! And coconut body creme! Ah yes, that s a long time ago I used that! Have a great weekend!
Thanks Nancy!
Oh I love Trader Joe’s but have never tried these products. I think iI will pick some up next time I’m in.
Oh I love Trader Joe’s but have never tried these products. I think iI will pick some up next time I’m in.
Add them to your list?
Love that plaid shirt!
It’s a good one. Perfect amount of soft and drape!
That coconut body butter sounds great. I love anything coconut. Love that plaid shirt too. The colors in it are really pretty.
x, Julie | ThisMainLineLife.com
It’s sooo creamy!!!
Oh that body butter sounds amazing! I am a sucker for coconut anyway..
I got the pumpkin version to take to my girls next week.
I’d love to try that lavender salt scrub. Thanks for sharing dear!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
It’s wonderful! Try it!
Oh man I can just imagine what that lavender salt scrub smells like! Looks like you’ve been having some fun!
It’s divine! I love it.
THat animal print sweatshirt! i love it…
I love my zella leggings too. Feels like lululemon but not the price 😉
I’m wearing the camo sweatshirt and leggings today. LOL
I love those earrings!! MUST have!! And the poncho is the cutest!
They’re so fun!!
Great jumpers and poncho – I like to see your choices Hun. Thanks for sharing on #chicandstylish Jacqui
Thanks Jacqui and thanks for the linkup