Is there one thing that you love doing for the holidays, but it still stresses you out? For me, it’s my Christmas cards. I love sending them, and I really love receiving them. Especially Christmas cards with photographs. Not even gonna’ lie. When we receive a card with no picture, I’m almost annoyed. HA! Today I’m talking about the cutest holiday cards made easy.

There’s no shortage of places to order holiday cards, and a new to me site is Basic Invite. Their website is filled with cards and stationary for every occasion including Christmas party invitation ideas.

I’m one of those who labors over the decision of the right card, and let’s be honest, no one else even knows what my choices were. On the Basic Invite site I was able to “mock up”, and order samples (for a small fee) of the cards I’m considering. Somehow, holding it in my hand, feeling it and being able to really see it, is so helpful in making that final decision.

There’s no shortage of designs either, and they are customizable with a sea of colors and 40 different envelope colors. But wait, there’s more. [HAHAHA!] Most envelopes are peel and seal. WHAT? No more licking?! If that isn’t enough of a selling point, they’ll even print the addresses on them for FREE, and for less than the price of a stamp, they will even mail them. Say what? That’s almost as good as sending an elf right to your house. Basic Invites address Capturing Service allows customers to share a link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media to request their friends and family’s addresses. The addresses are stored in the customer’s account and can be selected during the design process. Basic Invite offers recipient address printing at no cost on all card orders.

Now you’ve ordered those beautiful cards, and received beautiful cards. What do you do with them? I hate to just toss them. Several years ago I came across this idea on Pinterest to basically bind them together with rings. It’s genius! They are like yearly memory books. I keep them on the coffee table during the holidays and we can look through them and reminisce.

Right now the cutest holiday cards are 30% off with code HOLI30 and thru December 15% off with code 15FF51.
You can find Basic Invite on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter
Are you a holiday card sender? If you are, then check out Basic Invite for the cutest holiday cards made easy. If you’re doing Cyber Monday shopping be sure to check my Black Friday Sales post. Many of the sales are carrying over to today.
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Great post – I need to put my cards into a ring binder. I also need to come up with a photo for this year! Ugh!!! How can it only be Dec. 2 and I already feel like I’m running behind?
Thank heavens we got ours done while the kids were here. Hooray!!! XOXO
The ring binder things saved my Christmas card life!! Put them all together last year and feel so much better! This is a great site and I have used them. Is it bad I don’ think I’m sending cards this year for the first time in 20 years. Have a great day love!
I think it’s just the most clever idea. Happy Cyber Monday! XOXO
Thanks so much for sharing this, friend! I need to take a photo of the kids by our Christmas tree THIS weekend, I just hope their clothes arrive before then! LOL! C’mon Justice and ON, get them in the mail! lol!! Then I need to order my cards pronto! P.S. I’d love to exchange cards with you!!
Sharing is what we do…LOL. I’ll DM you my address on IG and you can do the same.
Definitely a holiday card sender from waaaaaay back. My mom was the ORIGINAL Christmas photo card sender and we have them since I was a little girl, so the pressure was on, lol. But as far as laboring over a picture- I do not- I’m like “We were all together- this one is good!” ha! Ha! But I’m excited to check out Basic Invite and use your code!!
~Melissa xx
Thanks girl! I save one every year for both kids…OH my gosh, I need to make them each a ring of our past cards. Woohoo for lightbulb moments.
These are all beautiful designs! Which did you end up choosing? I always end up at Walgreens because I want them fast! Haha!
A completely different one. LOL
I send photo cards every year and these designs are beautiful! I put my cards in photo rings too and keep them on my coffee table during the holidays to look back on!
Jill – Doused in Pink
We’re twins!!! Love it!
HAHA I actually look for no photo card options! I figure that will change once I have a family of my own though. And I love your little booklets of cards! What an ingenious idea!
Yes girlie, once you have a family that will change. XOXO