Happy Friday friends. A new year of favorites awaits, and I can hardly believe we are already here. Linking up on Fridays is actually a favorite every week. It’s fun to bring you things that tickle my fancy. Some are good and others are great. I’m hoping 2020 will be full of greatness on Friday’s and every other day as well.

Without a doubt, ringing in the New Year with these two will always be a favorite. We took Katie to Ruth’s Chris for dinner, proving it pays to come visit mom and dad. LOL

Katie gave me my 2020 Erin Condren planner as a Christmas gift. I forgot to tell her when she ordered it to change the size and so I got the smaller one. I’m actually thinking I may end up liking it better than the large one, so that was a happy accident. This is my 3rd EC planner and I love the format of them. It comes with extra pages in each month, and at the end for keeping notes, ideas, etc… If you’ve never tried one of these, I highly recommend it. The covers come in a huge variety, and I love picking out a new one every year.

I picked up this adorable baby doll top at the Free People store while we were in Richmond. Baby doll tops are one of my favorite styles. This one feels like a baby’s flannel swaddle blanket. It is so, so soft and the length is perfect for jeans or leggings.

I rarely have to wear a coat here in California, but I knew I’d have the opportunity while we were in Richmond. I’ve been eyeing this style from JCrew Factory since last year. It’s just the cutest, and so I ordered it on Black Friday. Great purchase friends. So cute, the perfect coat to dress up or down. PS, I’m wearing my Spanx jeans all.the.time.
These cute wood composite cut outs are from a website (Sledgecraft) a couple friends of mine own. It’s a family owned small business. They have various styles and sayings, and some can be personalized. These are great to add to a gallery wall, a large wreath, or anywhere you need a small accent piece. Check out the website and use the code 10off for 10% off your entire order and, right now they are offering FREE shipping.
In case you missed Wednesday’s post, I did a reintroduction of myself. There are a lot of new faces around here and I wanted to give you a little background. You can check it out HERE.
Here’s to a new year of favorites. I hope you’ll sign up to receive my posts by email. Just scroll back up to the top and fill in the box on the left above my picture. I’d also love it if you’d follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. Just click the little icons below or the links in blue above and thanks a million!
Ruth’s Chris sounds like a wonderful way to end 2019! You are the queen of the baby doll top – when I wear them I look like I’m having a baby! Ha! Love you friend!
It was so yummy! It’s the first year I’ve thought about it in time to actually get a reservation. Score 1 for mom. Hahaha! XO
LOL at “proving it pays to come and visit Mom & Dad!” Ha! Another great round of favorites! Your new coat is so cute and a perfect neutral!
I’m not above buying them. HA! Happy weekend! XO
I love my Life Planner!
I just need to remember to check mine more. LOL
Happy New Year! I’m glad you featured the FP top. I have a piece of fabric over here that I’ve been wondering what to do with.
Oh my gosh, if you are able to make one, that will be awesome. XOXO
That is such a cute coat!
Thank you! I am loving it. Happy New Year!!! XO
Those wood pieces are so fun! I love your new coat too!
I have a feeling we’ll be making sure it pays to visit mom and dad in a few years! This post makes me want to be a paper planner gal, but it just never works out for me! Have a great weekend!
Happy New Year!
Same to you Nancy! XO
I love your coat, how cute! It always pays to visit Mom and Dad, doesn’t it? This is why my dad can’t get rid of me! 😀 Happy New Year!!
I bet your dad is none to anxious to get rid of you, sweet girl! XO
that planner looks like a great Christmas gift and it’s so nice you could spend time with the family! 🙂
Hope that you are having a great weekend 🙂 We are safe from the bushfires still, and so thankful.
Away From Blue
Mica, hope you are still safe from the fires. XO
Chic coats you have here dear!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Chic coats you have here dear!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Thanks Jessica! XO
Your planner cover is so cute! I’ve had that coat on my Christmas wish list for the past few years and have yet to get it! I may need to buy it for myself next year!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks Jill! Go for it and get it for yourself…that’s what I did. HA!