Hey y’all! Welcome to the weirdest Easter weekend and of course Friday Favorites. Are you with me? It doesn’t really feel Eastery (let’s just pretend that’s a word), but I’m going to go with it. I’ll be totally honest and tell you that not having to worry about what to wear to church Sunday has been pretty nice. I feel pretty confident saying I’ll be “attending” church in my pj’s, just like the last several weeks.

What have you been doing to keep busy? At our house, Kent keeps normal business hours upstairs in his “office”, Katie is doing online classes, and I’m just doing my normal thing. We did start playing Mexican Train Dominos at night this week. If you’ve never played, give it a try. We love it. I ordered this hub and these wooden domino trays a couple of years ago and love being able to line up my order of play on them.

Katie and I have a new coffee obsession. The whipped coffee that’s floating (hahaha, floating) around Instagram. We’ve been making it every afternoon as a treat. You need to stir the foamy part into your milk and it makes it nice and creamy. The foam on its own is really strong and bitter, but once mixed in, it’s yummy.

I made myself a mask…and wore it to WalMart to get groceries yesterday. Once upon a time (before our moves) I had tons of fabric scraps, but wouldn’t you know all I have now is flannel, so that’s what I used. Let’s just say my face stayed warm. LOL It felt weird to wear a mask, and I’d say it was maybe 50/50 on people wearing them, but at least I feel like I’m doing my part, and also protecting myself and my family.

Nordstrom is having a b-i-g sale on certain brands. I think that maybe they’re going to do this for a few days, and then change up the brands, so it’s almost like a flash sale. Almost all of these things are 50% off. The pants in the lower left corner and top are the same ones I used to make my faux jumpsuit I shared here. The blankets are 50% off, and I’ve never seen them reduced that much. They make great gifts, and the red is perfect for Christmas. I have it and a blue one that I keep out all the time. I’ve also given them to both of our kids and they L O V E them. Grab a few and stick them in your gift closet. ?

If I make it out of this without the quarantine 15, it’ll be nothing short of a miracle. My college girl loves a treat. A sweet treat. This week she made these little bombs of goodness. They are oatmeal chocolate chip cookies made using a small ice cream scoop, with cream cheese frosting (from a can) sandwiched between them. OH. MY. GOODNESS. They were delish.

Last night for dinner I made my version of nachos from a restaurant we like to go to. Y’ALL! They were so delicious!!!! Here’s the short version of the recipe.
- Layer tortilla chips in an ovenproof skillet (or sheet pan)
- Sprinkle a drained and rinsed can of black beans over chips
- Top with rotisserie chicken mixed with the Key Lime Shrimp Taco sauce I shared in this post. (heat together in a skillet before spreading over chips)
- Sprinkle with shredded Mexican cheese
- Put in 400° oven until cheese is melted
- Top with salsa, guacamole, and a sauce made from sour cream and/or greek yogurt with some taco seasoning, chili lime seasoning, and lemon or lime juice to thin out.

Don’t miss the Victoria Emerson BOGO sale. New spring wraps and cuffs, and BOGO is the best.

Here’s a little game for ya’

Okey-doke gang. That about does it for this week. I hope the weirdest Easter weekend treats you well. Just remember, we’re doing it, and this too shall pass. Enjoy the extra time with your people and try to think about all those times you wished you didn’t have to go to work. Your dreams have come true.
Next time we hear there may be a quarantine I am coming to stay with you! I want nachos and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with frosting! And that coffee sounds delish too!
YESSS!!! Katie already said we should have come and quarantined with you. Then we could swim in your pool and be outside more. HA! Great minds friend. We could eat and walk, and eat and walk. LOL Happy Easter. XOXO
Those recipes look yummy! I have made butterscotch chip oatmeal cookies before and have put frosting between them a time or two myself… I may have to bake up a batch tonight! My son and I wore masks and gloves at the hospital the other day and I could not wait to leave so I could take them off. I get why we needed them and I was thankful to have them but I do not like wearing one.
Yummm, I bet those are so delicious. I’m with you, I don’t like wearing them, and even though I’m not alone, it just feels strange (and breathing through them is kinda yucky) I’ve never even liked dressing up for Halloween, so this is a stretch for me. LOL
Happy Easter. XOXO
Those cookies…yum! I want to try that coffee sometime. This year definitely doesn’t truly feel like a holiday weekend, but we know it really is. Happy Easter!
Give them both a try. Honestly, the first few sips of coffee are like, “I’m not too sure”, but then it grows on you. The cookies are good from the first bite. HAHAHA! Y’all have a wonderful Easter too. XOXO
We make nachos quite a bit, but I always put mine in the microwave. I bet the oven gets them crisper. I’m trying that next time for sure.
Spoiler…it really didn’t. They actually got a little soggy from all the juicy goodness on top. HA! They were still delicious though. Have a wonderful Easter. XO
I’ve been baking up a storm too! And I can’t believe how quickly it disappears. Those cookies look amazing!
Katie loves a treat and wants to eat sweets. Of course she’s a runner, so it’s not as dangerous for her. HA! Hope y’all have a great Easter. XO
Yes we all need comfort food don t we! Even if it is a weird Easter weekend, I wish you a good one!
Thank you Nancy!! I wish the very same for you! XO
Happy Easter! That coffee drink makes me laugh and shows how everyone is a follower for sure. No, I have not tried it. I also haven’t watched Tiger King, which also seems to be a favorite pastime HA! Pretty much my life has stayed the same because Tony’s business is essential so he works the same every day- home Saturday Sunday- we just cant go to the movies and I really miss my gym and gym friends. We said when this is back to “Normal” we are all going to lunch!! I am actually down 2.5 lbs and I am loving that! I think its from all my walking that I am doing again. Happy Easter and those nachos look so yummy! xo
PS……Kelsey was telling me that the grocery stores over on the central coast are making people wear masks. No Mask- no entry. Interesting to be sure. We are headed over to the beach house on Tuesday for a quick one nighter- Oh how I wish we could stay longer but this is just to do some stuff for our upcoming landscape project that will be starting in about 2 weeks (fingers crossed)
I was really shocked when I couldn’t take in my own bags…that part I don’t get?! They’re no “germier” than a human, our clothes, shoes, etc…Anywho…Tiger King…don’t waste your time. We tried 2 episodes. Stupidest show I’ve ever seen. LOL Way to go being down 2.5. Katie wants to eat dessert every night. She’s killing me. HA! Of course she runs all the time, so she’s burning it off. I’d have to walk for hours to burn off what she runs off. Have a great weekend!!! XOXO
I’ve been wearing a mask when I go to the grocery store too. But I seem to be the minority. It’s surprising that people are still not taking this seriously. That coffee drink sounds amazing! Happy Easter!
Jill – Doused in Pink
I know. I can’t believe more people aren’t doing it. There’s probably a greater number here wearing them, because some people do all the time anyway. ?Have a wonderful weekend. XO
Brian made us a couple of masks with my sewing machine, because his mom taught him how to sew when he was a kid! And, he offered to do it and I said go for it! Altho, I’ve bought some additional ones for us and the kids, because I’m sure we’ll be wearing masks out and about for awhile after this… I am going to make that whipped coffee tomorrow for an Easter treat with the homemade cinnamon rolls Brian’s making!! I love your tips to mix in that top part and I’ll try it like that and then I think I’ll add chocolate syrup and whipped cream, because tomorrow I’m SO not doing FASTer Way #cheatday. Brian picked up Folgers coffee at the store and he says all their coffee is instant, so I think we’re good. I LOVE those bracelets, I got one for Christmas and I wear it all the time. I just got some gladiator sandals from Nordstrom on sale… I can’t wait to wear them. Ok, I’ve written WAY too much. Have a superb Easter tomorrow, Lisa!!!! I plan to dress up a little bit, but may eat brunch in my jammies while we watch church. Oh- question… is your CBS group doing Zoom, too?
You better hold on to him. LOL I know you’re planning to. I’m so glad you liked the coffee. XOXO
Those cookies look DIVINE! Can Katie make some for me? haha Your mask looks very cute! Very pandemic chic! 🙂 Hope you guys have a fabulous (weird) Easter weekend! xoxo
Come on over and she’ll whip some up! XOXO