Hey friends! I hope your week has been treating you well. Today my Chic Chat Chic friends and I are locking arms and tackling something we all face sooner or later. For me it’s been sooner. HA! I’m talking about what I’m doing to combat middle age. It’s certainly not rocket science, but maybe you’ll find a helpful tip from one of us. Some of the girls are sharing info on hormones, but I haven’t dabbled in any of that personally. I’ve made personal decision not put any natural or synthetic hormones in my body. That is a decision we each get to make for ourselves, and if you’ve taken them just because you want to or because you need them, that’s great. I say do whatever works for you and your body and mental health.
You might remember a couple of months ago I asked Katie to write a post on why losing weight for women past a certain age is so hard. Let’s just say, the truth hurts. HA! If you missed it, you can read that here.

I’ve already shared what supplements I take in this post. Not much has changed, but I ran out of Nutrafol and haven’t reordered it. I need to though. I do think it helps with hair loss, and regrowth.

Let’s talk exercise for a few minutes. Most of you know I exercise on a regular basis, and by regular I mean 6 days a week. I’ve been doing this for 20+ years. It started out as 2 days, then 3, and I just kept going til I worked up to 6. For the most part I walk, but I’ve gone through a short period of time where I was running a few years ago. I had to stop that though because my knees were fighting back. I also try to add in some weight training, but I’ve been more off than on with that lately, and I really need to get back to it. In Monday’s post on the Nordstrom Sale I shared this graphic with some of my favorite athletic/athleisure wear picks.

I get asked frequently what my favorite workout sneakers are. I’ve been wearing Saucony for 15+ years with the exception of one pair of another brand I tried. I like the Guide series. My suggestion is always to go to a running store, get fitted, and find out what they recommend.
The last thing I’ll touch on is getting enough water. I am a prime offender when it comes to this, so I have started drinking Liquid IV to try and help with my hydration. I shared this before too, but there are always (YAY) new people around here who may not have heard all of this. I packet of Liquid IV in a bottle of water is the equivalent of drinking 3 bottles of water. I don’t fully understand how it does it, but I know it helps me to not only drink my water, but feel like I’m doing something good for myself. Use my code COASTTOCOAST2 for 25% off. My favorite flavors are strawberry and tangerine.

On a completely different note, I get to shop the Nordstrom Anniversary sale this morning. I know several of the things on my wishlist have already sold out, so we’ll see what I end up getting. If you missed Monday’s post, I shared my take on the Nordstrom. You can check it out here. I shared several guides of things that I’m interested in or are good things to grab pre-fall.
I hope you found some tidbit today that will help you in your battle to combat middle age. Have a great weekend!
Make sure you check out my Chit Chat Chic buddies to see how they are going about the combating of middle age.
Getting fitted for workout shoes is so important and makes such a difference! I’ve been doing weights consistently for the past 2+ years and really notice a difference in my stomach and arms which were both problem areas for me.
I’m so happy to hear you say that because it’s confirmation for me that I’ve really got to get back to it. I can see a huge difference (not in a good way) in my arms. XO
It is so important to do what works for your body and its nice learning what works for others to see if it could help you. love this Girlfriend.
I couldn’t agree more!!! Sharing with our peeps is the best. XO
Lisa, this is such a great post! I am like you and really don’t want to take any sort of hormones although I am struggling bad with some pretty intense premenopausal symptoms. What has been helping me is a women’s multivitamin, a vitamin D supplement, flaxseed oil, soy protein for my shakes, lots and lots of water, and daily yoga.
I know what you mean Shelbee. I can’t remember if I said this in the post, but at one point I was looking into acupuncture for relief of symptoms…so that’s something to keep in mind. XO
Great info Lisa, thanks for sharing! (We take a lot of the same supplements!)
then we must be doing something right. 😉 XO
This is a great post Lisa! You’ve reminded me to take my Glucosamine… my chiropractor says that every women should be on it!
OH WOW! That’s awesome to know. Thanks for telling me. XO