Hey y’all! Man-O-man what a week. Make that what a month. Y’all know we’re in the process of setting up a second home in Nashville for Katie to live in, and myself part time. I honestly can’t remember if I’ve given y’all the whole scoop yet or not, so here’s what’s new at Coast to Coast. Let me give you the Reader’s Digest version. Speaking of Reader’s Digest, did you know they make it in large print? HA! My friend has it and I was dying. We laughed because we guess they figured the people who are still reading RD need the large print. Okay, back to what’s new at Coast to Coast. #squirrel

We’ve purchased a townhouse that Katie will be living in while she finishes school and then continue after she graduates if she wants. Kent and I plan to retire in Nashville in about 4ish years. Our plan…we’ll see what God has to say about it. 😉 Until he’s ready to retire, I’m going to start spending about every other month living in Nashville. We’ve been in California for 8 years, and I am really missing the Southeast and my people, so we’ve decided this is a good compromise. I travel to Nashville frequently anyway, and this way I will have a place to spend time without imposing on friends or family.
The reason I said at the beginning that it’s been a long month is because we been having renovations done to our townhouse. We had the entire interior painted, the kitchen cabinets painted, all the flooring up and downstairs replaced, and today (well technically for about the next 4-5 days) the bathrooms will be getting new flooring and toilets, and a new vanity downstairs. With the home buyers market being so competitive right now, you can just imagine how hard it is to get on the books to have work done. We actually closed on this place June 8th, and tonight Katie and I will finally be spending our first night there. #wereexcited
About half of the downstairs had hardwood that was glued down. Those poor guys fought with it for 3 days busting it loose. It made the most humongous mess too. There was basically sawdust on everything downstairs. I had already cleaned the inside of all the cabinets, washed dishes and put them away, and had food in the pantry. Yesterday once they left I had to take every single thing out of the cabinets and wash it, wipe the insides of the cabinets out again and put it all back. #bigolpainintherump Seriously, the mess was astounding.
I shared on my Instagram story yesterday and Wednesday night how my room is coming together. I am absolutely in love with my new bed. It’s a king size, and I’ve been wanting a king for years. The dresser was delivered yesterday. I purchased a linen duvet set from Amazon, and a super soft and beautiful cotton blanket that is part of the Nordstrom sale. If you need a nice blanket for your bed, check this one out. It’s a really good deal and it’s reversible to a stripe or waffle weave. I’ll add things to the collage as I add them to my room and keep you updated.

UPDATE: Colleen Rothschild is having a FLASH SALE this weekend with a few of the fan favorites on sale. The Styling Cream for hair is included at a great price, and I plan to stock up. I really do love the way this makes my hair feel. I’m also using the Retinol Supreme Night Oil every night and loving it. I put the Extreme Recovery Cream over it for a super hydrating treat for my face.

Okay friends, there’s the short version of what’s new at Coast to Coast. I hope you have a great weekend.
Can’t wait to see the new place!!
OH so exciting!!
Thanks Joanne!!!
I am so excited for you, I know this has been such a labor of love! Oh my gosh, I know what a mess busting up floors could be, those poor guys. I am completely loving your new bedding. I’m so ready for a new bed, I want something lighter, I cannot stand our dark colored bedroom suit but I used to love it, LOL! Have a great weekend. xo
My bedroom suit is dark at home too…I’m loving this lighter feel. Thanks friend. XO
So exciting! Can’t wait to see your completed renovations!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much Jill!!
I love redecorating and haven’t had the opportunity for a while, so I’m really enjoying living vicariously through your experiences! I have to say I don’t miss all that heavy dust from construction work – I well remember that from our major remodeling about 10 years ago, ugh. It looks as though the worst is over for your project though, so that’s good. I’ll look forward to more updates, and I hope you guys enjoy that first night in your new home very much.
We are so close!!! I told Kent we aren’t renovation people…LOL We did a complete kitchen remodel when we lived in VA. It’s all worth it in the end. Thanks so much Sandra!! Great to hear from you. XO
I am so stinking excited for you and your new townhome and so jealous that you will get to be there every other month! I would LOVE to meet up with you this fall. Maybe I can make the drive up to see you and we can get to meet up before you are gone from California for good. Just a thought! Have a great weekend! We fly out in the morning to Nashville with our bestie travel friends and I am just happy to get out of state for a few days and golf and day drink (LOL you know I am NOT a huge drinker) and just have some laughs! enjoy your first night in your place xoxo
I’m so sad we never got to meet up while you were here. We will definitely have to try again…y’all just need to come back to TN 😉
You have been busy! It’s so much fun decorating and I’m sure with your background you are having extra fun and going to town on your townhome! Haha! Have a great weekend!
LOL Laura! I am definitely having fun and going to town. 😉
Just getting caught up now. I was wondering if you moved . Can’t wait to see the new place.
Thanks Patty…it’s super confusing to people. It’s kinda like I moved, but not really. LOL