I did this post on how to clean Tory Burch Miller sandals several years ago and it’s been one of my all time most popular posts. #thankyoupinterest I figured with all the new friends here, the ever growing popularity of TB Millers, and sandal weather being on the horizon, it was good time to re-share this gem.
Have you ever wanted something, but just really felt like spending the money on it wasn’t practical? I think there are a whole bunch of us who had this same feeling about the iconic Tory Burch Miller sandals. I wanted a pair of these little darlings for a few years before I finally allowed myself to get them. I bought my first pair back in 2017 during the Nordstrom Anniversary sale. I now have 3 pairs which means one of two things. I really love them or I’m certifiably insane. Maybe a little of both. But what I can I tell you is that I haven’t regretted buying them for a single second. I wear them all the time and while I’m kind of ashamed to admit this, I don’t love them because they offer some super quality like comfort (although they really are comfortable), but I love them because they are “Tory Burch Miller sandals”. They’re cute and trendy and it’s kind of like some weird sister-hood.

When you pay what I consider to be top dollar for a shoe considered a “flip flop” (again with the insanity), you naturally want them to last.
The first summer I wore them they faired pretty well and didn’t show too much wear, but by the second summer they started looking pretty dirty. I kept meaning to do something about it and then I’d forget. Well I finally remembered to clean them one day, and they cleaned up beautifully. I thought some of you just might like to know how I did it, and benefit from my cleaning experiment. It’s a little nerve-wracking to mess with a leather shoe and wonder if you’re going to accidentally ruin it. (Like I did with a pair of UGGS…UGH!)
See how dirty they were?
Are you familiar with Saddle Soap? I bought this tin of saddle soap years ago, like over a decade and it’s still going strong. I originally purchased it to clean the leather seats in our van, back in the day.
I decided that if it was okay to use on leather seats, it would probably be okay for leather sandals.

Pro Tip: Never throw away old toothbrushes. They are good for all kinds of cleaning. Sandals, faucets on sinks, and rubber soles on sneakers just to name a few.
I used a toothbrush that was wet, rubbed it on the surface of the saddle soap and then scrubbed the dirty areas of my sandals. You can wet the toothbrush a little more if it’s not lathering up. Then wipe off the soap with a clean, soft cloth.
Check out the before and after. Wow, what a difference!
I want to do all I can to make these last as long as possible. Have you ever tried to clean your own Tory Burch Miller sandals? If you have a pair, have you cleaned them and if so how? Maybe you have an even better method.
What a great idea! I tried using a baby wipe and it ruined my sandals.
Lisa … Perhaps I’m lucky, but the shoe cleaning is defiantly on the boy list of of jobs to do in our house. However I have noticed a few of my sandals are a little grubby on the inside, I’ll show my hubby your article.
I need to try this! I have a pair and they always get dirty!
I own 15 pairs of Miller sandals and in my opinion these are worth the investment. I clean mine each time I wear them with a soft cloth and water. I’ll incorporate saddle soap into the process for my Millers and my equally iconic Jack Rogers. Great tip!
I really need this soap for My millers I own about 20 pair on two leather everything else patent leather but light colors like yellows and pink needs cleaning and my Lilly slides I sure will be looking for this thank ladies
Please can you advise on how to clean the patent miller?