I can’t start this post without wishing YOU a very ❤️Happy Valentine’s Day❤️! I hope it’s filled with chocolate! You know it’s funny, yesterday I was driving and got to…
Nordstrom try on session
Hey there and Happy Valentine’s Day week and Happy Monday! That’s a whole lot of happy. How was your weekend? Mine went by much too quickly. I could use another…
Friday favorites #94
Whew! Hello Friday! I’m even happier than usual to see you this week. I’ve had a super busy week, mostly trying to figure out the new blog platform. Not only…
For the love of pink
Thank y’all so much for all the kind words about the new blog design. I’m so happy you like it as much as I do. I’m trying to work out…
You’re In The Right Place
Hey friends! Tah-dah!!! Don’t leave! You’re in the right place. Are you surprised? I decided it was high time I freshened up this space and gave it a facelift. (or…