So had I realized before I published yesterdays post it was What’s Up Wednesday I would have just switched them, but as luck would have it I figured that out…
My Fitness Journey
As I find myself approaching the “half century” mark next month I am also finding changes happening to my body that I’m not necessarily excited about. Where I could once…
Whew…I’m Back Home
Hey y’all!!! I’m home. Can you believe it? We were (kinda?) joking with people that the only reason Kent came to Nashville for the weekend was to make sure I…
TBB Asks Back to School Edition
So here we are. The first Monday in September and with a heavy sigh I say… I always hate to see summer draw to a close. Do you know what…
Friday Favorites #73
Happy, happy Friday friends. What a week it’s been! I can barely wrap my brain around it being the first day of September, which also happens to ramp up the…