It’s Wednesday already??? The sun’s been out and the week is flying by. Do you have your green all ready for tomorrow? You don’t want to get pinched.#ouch We have 3…
Weekend Recap – This and That
Rain, Rain, Go away. Come again another day!!!! I bet you sang that didn’t you? I know I should be happy to be getting so much rain in California, but…
Friday Favorites – Fashion
When I first started thinking about blogging I intended to do some fashion along with all the other topics I’m sharing. While the whole blog idea has been a challenge…
Mom’s Banana Muffins = Heaven
A banana does nothing for me! BUT THESE… Are one of my all time favorites!!!! It’s so strange for me to think how much an actual banana is so…
Every 15 Minutes
Hello Monday! Oh how quickly you show up after Friday. I don’t know about you, but yesterday when I heard about the death of Nancy Reagan I was so sad….