Hooray for Friday!!!! Did anyone else’s week fly by? Mine sure did. I can’t believe we’ve made another loop and it’s already Friday again. Bring on the weekend! Looks like…
Last Minute Dinner
Ever have trouble getting motivated to make dinner or just have such a busy day you forgot to think about it ahead of time? Story of my life…and I…
Happy Leap Day
I’m so happy my birthday doesn’t fall on a Leap Day…that’d be sad. I know some might think it’s special, but I don’t think I’d like having to have a…
Friday Favorites (first edition) Happy Friday!!! Today I’m trying something new and linking up with some other blogs I love to follow for their Friday Favorites series. #exciting I don’t…
Island Makover
Happy Hump Day!!!! For over a year I’ve been trying to get up the courage to paint my kitchen island. We have a lot of dark wood in our kitchen…