Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! You’ve probably noticed I don’t share a lot of Walmart fashion, but I was perusing the website the other day and decided to order some Free…
How to Style a Tray
Hi friends! Today I’m thought it might be fun and helpful to talk decor a little and share some tips on how to style a tray. Let me tell you…
Empties Are A Good Thing
Hi friends and happy Friday! All of the sudden I have a bunch of things that need to be replaced. Empties are a good thing. Why, you ask? Because it…
Pretty Pink Dress
Hi friends!!! Happy Wednesday! Here’s my confession, when February arrives, I am pretty much counting the days until spring. While I know for a lot of you, fall is your…
January Amazon Purchases
Hey friend! Here we are, the last day of January 2022. So crazy. It feels like it’s been months since we celebrated Christmas. Is it just me, or do you…